Your roof access is our business
Roof Access WA provides safe roof access that is simple and easy to use, and that is compliant with all current regulations and standards.
Under the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations: Persons who manage or control a workplace are responsible for ensuring a safe workplace for all workers. This includes workers who work at heights.
Persons who manage or control a workplace must ensure as far as reasonably practicable that their workplaces are safe. Persons entering and leaving their workplace should also be safe and without risk to health.
After 30 years in the construction, mining and resource industries we have recognised the need to provide a simple professional approach to working at heights and roof safety management in Western Australia.
We also believe that in the current climate roof access contractors are being chosen due to cost rather than compliance.
If the building is at the construction stage the builder has an obligation to protect his workers from injury during construction.
When the building is handed over to the client, the obligation of worker safety becomes the responsibility of the owner or whoever is managing the building.
The provision of roof access is not a requirement to obtain a “Certificate of Occupancy” required for builder handover.
This means that a new build can be handed over to the client without a compliant roof access system. If you are paying for an architect to manage the build and roof access is part of the contract documents then the architect is responsible for roof access.
This is leaving some customers unaware that their access systems are non-compliant.
Roof Access WA uses Sayfa Products, and we are Certified Sayfa Installers.
Thank You
Simon Payne
Building Practitioner WA10189